Kingdom Church is funded completely by your tithes & offerings. That means your giving goes to so much more than just paying the bills and keeping the lights on. All of our community outreach and ministries are made possible by your gifts.
We switched to a new giving platform! One of the things we love is that there are significantly less fees when compared with our old platform. PushPay charged our church over 3% and ~$0.30 per transaction on the back end every time someone gave. This added up to thousands of dollars per year that were lost to giving fees.
With our new platform, you have two options:
• Give via ACH (Bank Account) and pay a flat fee of $0.25 per transaction
• Give via Card and pay a fee of 1.9%
We recommend giving via ACH as it will be the most cost effective. However, if you still would like to give via card, the giver will cover the fee. This way 100% of your gift goes directly to DCM every time, instead of being diminished by processing fees.
*If you used our old giving platform through PushPay, you’ll want to cancel any recurring gifts so you aren't charged twice.